
How To Host Dynamic Website For FREE Netlify

Published 23 October 2023 by Jarvis Silva

Looking for free hosting to host your dynamic website then you are at the right place. In this article I will show you how to host dynamic website for FREE so follow along till the end of the article.

A dynamic website is a website which content changes dyanmically for example Instagram their feed is dynamic whereas in static website where content of the page does not change so it is static.

I will show you how to host your dynamic website on Netlify, Netlify is a great web hosting platform as it supports many web techonologies and great for beginners so now let's see step by step how to host on Netlify.

1. Upload Site Code To Github

To deploy any code on Netlify we need to first upload the code on Github repository then in Netlify connect github account and import the code from the Github repository, follow the below steps to push code to Github:

  • Open Github and login to your account, click on create a new repository, enter your app name, leave rest everything default and click create repository.
  • Now it will show you commands to push your code to this repository, open a terminal at your static website code location and run all the commands one by one.
  • Github new repository page with commands

Read: How to push code to github

After you run all the commands you should see your code upload to your Github repository.

2. Hosting Dynamic Website On Netlify

  • Go to Neflify and create a account by using Github authentication.
  • After logging in go to the dashboard and click on add new site under that click import an existing repository.
  • Netlify add new site page
  • Now it will open a page showing you multiple options to deploy with click on deploy with Github, it will ask you to authorize and install Netlify in your Github repositories make sure you install and authorize it.
  • Now it will display the repositories from your Github account select the repository you want to host.
  • Now it will show some basic settings leave them default and click on deploy and in minutes your application will be deployed to Netlify. You can preview your website using the given url.

So this was everything required to host a Dynamic website on Netlify for free, I hope you were able to follow along and successfully deploy your site to Netlify. Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 😊

About the author

I am Jarvis Silva, a tech enthusiast. I have 5 years of experience in website hosting and development, Now sharing all my knowledge related to web hosting and other various tech on the internet through Hostwizly.

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