Difference Between Hostinger.com And Hostinger.in
Published 16 October 2023 by Jarvis Silva
Confused between Hostinger.com and Hostinger.in then don't worry in this article I will share the difference between hostinger.com and hostinger.in and your confusion will be cleared.
Hostinger is a web hosting company based in Lithuania founded in 2004, It is known for providing high quality hosting at affordable pricing.
Hostinger.com and Hostinger.in are 2 different websites of the same company just their tld is different, Hostinger.com is global and Hostinger.in is for india it is done to make the website rank higher in a particular country.
As in India Hostinger is quite popular and used so they have used a .in tld to rank higher on search in India and to provide better experience for Indian users.
Difference in pricing
The main difference between hostinger.com and hostinger.in is the pricing they display, on hostinger.com pricing is displayed in us dollars and on hostinger.in it is displayed in indian rupees.
If you are a indian you should consider buying from hostinger.in as the prices in dollar when converted to rupees costs higher then what we get on hostinger.in for example
- Premium shared hosting cost on hostinger.com: 2.99$ per month
- Premium shared hosting cost on hostinger.in: 149 RS per month

Dollar rate in India is 83.25 at the date of writing this article which means it will cost us 248 RS per month if we purchased hosting from hostinger.com which we would get for 149 RS.
No difference in features
Other then the pricing there is no feature difference if you get any web hosting plan from either hostinger.com or .in, as both of them offer the same features and services.
Which should you go with?
Now I have said if you are a Indian you will get web hosting for less price on hostinger.in then hostinger.com due to its currency difference but sometimes during black friday and other occasions you can get more dicount on web hosting from hostinger.com.
So I would recommend you to get hosting from wherever it costs you less because that is the only difference as there is no difference in the features as they offer the same features.
Also read: Is Hostinger Good For Buying Domain
As I have said purchase either from hostinger.com or hostinger.in wherever you get it for cheaper there is no other difference, look for offers and discounts, Hostinger provides really great affordable hosting.
If you decided to go with Hostinger web hosting here is a Hostinger 70% Discount link which will get you dicount on both hostinger.com and hostinger.in.
This was for this article I hope this article solved your confusion and doubt. Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 😊
About the author
I am Jarvis Silva, a tech enthusiast. I have 5 years of experience in website hosting and development, Now sharing all my knowledge related to web hosting and other various tech on the internet through Hostwizly.